Something Different?

CubCrafters’ Signature paint scheme has slowly evolved over the years, and it certainly flatters our Cubs. It’s easy to recognize one of our airplanes from a hundred yards or more. Our schemes are often imitated and have become an important part of the CubCrafters brand. Still, not everyone wants “stock” paint.

This “digital-camo” scheme mimics the customer’s business jet.

For many buyers, the appearance of their airplane is a reflection of their own personality, so we receive a variety of requests. Some schemes are outgoing, colorful, loud. Others are subdued, restrained. Buyers might include elements from historic aircraft. Just when we think we’ve seen everything, we’ll get a new request that surprises us.

The owner of this Carbon Cub FX-3 is an avid car collector. The paint compliments a Cortina Lotus in his stable.

This scheme harks to war era fighters that used “countershading” for camouflage.

What’s your dream? We can make it happen.


Wayne Lindros

How about a tribute to the post WWII Daetwyler cubs of Switzerland by Max Daetwyler.

Paul Hodges

The digital-camo reminds me of how Oakley paints their Global XRS BJ.

George Matthews

I have the best looking club crafter on the face of the earth. It was painted at the factory and was designed by scheme designers in New York. It’s a showstopper wherever it goes. It’s on floats at present and it’s the perfect flying machine.

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